Support Return Recycling!

Return Recycling is a young 501-c3 organization committed to creating a zero waste mindset at colleges and universities through innovative infrastructure, effective data analytics, and top-of-the-notch engagement strategies. United at NYU in 2015, the Return Recycling Team is working to bring tools, strategies, and energy to higher education institutions worldwide that will facilitate the possibility of a zero waste world. 

Currently, the RR Team is working on developing our waste characterization app, which will allow students and other college and university members to take stock of their waste systems and gather meaningful data and analysis on the way garbage works at their schools. At the same time, the Team is designing new recycling bin technologies, conducting material flow research, and working as an on-campus resource for all waste-related questions and concerns.

With your help, Return Recycling will be able to continue its passionate efforts to bring a culture of an environmentally intelligent, valuable, and just system to colleges and universities. Every bit counts towards our mission, and we are honored to accept donations of any size.

To get an even better idea of Return Recycling's goals for this year and beyond, visit our website:

Thank you!
The Return Recycling Team


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